The Mission
Travel the world, experience amazing places, create meaningful photos.
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You Need a Neutral Density Filter
As those that have gone on my tours know, I consider a neutral density filter (ND filter for short) mandatory equipment. In fact, besides the camera, lens, and tripod, it is the only piece of mandatory equipment I have. I am always preaching about using ND filters when there is…
Organizing Your Photos
New photographers often struggle with creating a system for organizing their photos. This is all about folder structure. Most people innately recognize some utility in organizing by date, but doing so tells you nothing about what’s actually in the folders. Many people want to organize their photos by subject matter…
How to Move Your Lightroom Catalog from Your Laptop to Your Desktop
Saving the Organization and Edits You Made While Traveling In a prior article, I showed you a system for backing up your photos while on the road. That system boils down to making 3 copies of your photos, one of which is on an external drive that you can easily…