Visiting the Louvre

Done incorrectly, visiting the Louvre can be a serious drag.  You will have to endure insanely long lines and hassles only to see a few famous pieces of art you’ve seen a thousand pictures of, just to check a box on your itinerary.  Your day will be long, frustrating, and

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Choosing Your Own Adventure in Paris

On our tour, there are three days where we have purposefully left upon large blocks of time for you to see things on your own.  We did this by design so that you can see/do the things that are most important to you.  In this post I want to give

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How the Louvre Became the Louvre

If you are like me, once you get to the Louvre you will be as interested in the building itself as what’s in it.  The building is so impressive that even if there were no artifacts or artwork in the building, visiting it would still be an amazing experience.  As

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The Best Views of the Eiffel Tower

No matter who you are, when you go to Paris you want pictures of the Eiffel Tower.  It might be pictures of you with the Eiffel Tower in the background, or it might be just pictures of the Eiffel Tower.  While you can see the Eiffel Tower from all over

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Getting Some Sleep on Your Flight to Europe

Being able to sleep on your flight to Europe adds an extra day to your trip.  Assuming your trip is for a week, then you just added 17% to your trip for $0.   Your Trip: With and Without Sleeping on the Plane Flights from North America to Europe are almost

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Getting Around Paris

What is the best way to get around Paris? There is no best way.  It just depends where you are going. But here we will go through your options.  We will use all of them on our tour, partially because we will always strive for the best use of our

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Enjoying the French Cafe

With the right attitude and expectations, the French café is one of the best experiences you can ever have.  I’d go so far as to say a trip to Paris without spending a considerable amount of time in a café is not a good trip to Paris.  But without an

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Photography Equipment for Your Trip to France

Perhaps the most important thing to understand about photographing Paris is that you will be the same photographer in Paris as you are at home.  That is to say, if you are a wide-angle landscape photographer at home, you are probably going to end up taking wide-angle shots of scenes

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Packing for Your Trip to France

Packing for a trip to France is not all that different than packing for a trip to any other great city, but there are some peculiarities.  Most of these are based on the weather and the culture, which we’ll talk about below.  As with most trips, you will want to

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Arrival in Paris at CDG

When you arrive in Paris, you should not have any trouble navigating the airport and getting to your hotel.  The airport is similar to airports in the U.S. and is well marked.  To make sure everything is clear though, I have made a quick video walking you through it.

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Spotlight on Mont Saint Michel

Perhaps the most spectacular place in all of France – and perhaps one of the most spectacular in the entire world – is Mont Saint Michel. Mont Saint Michel is a an island with an abbey surrounded by a small town and large medieval walls. It is a UNESCO World

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Our Hotels – France 2023

For this tour, we will be staying in two different hotels.  We start by staying in Paris for 4 nights.  Actually, most of us will be there longer than that, since we will be arriving early, but the tour portion is four nights.  After that, we will move on to

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